Anyone who knows me well knows that I am absolutely terrified of snakes. It doesn't matter how small or big,poisonous or not, aggressive or not. I will walk through the hands-on room at the Natural History Museum, but if the snake is out, I stand in the doorway. I took Benjaman to the Rattlesnake Museum downtown and had nightmares for days. I hate snakes. Well, I was walking, with Cinbar, to the feed shed to get his food and there is this snake all stretched out and sunning himself by the chicken coop. I heard the echo of my scream before I even realized I had screamed. Of course, then I was embarrassed because I try not to scream when I see a snake. Bo comes out with the gun because he knows just by the scream it's a snake. Here he comes to save the day; my knight in shining armor! I watched, amazed, as he catches the snake and holds it up to look at it! Then he starts walking towards me! He didn't realize he was, really, but he wanted Benjaman to get something to put the snake in. We put it in a box and then in the well house. I don't care if it can't get out of the box, no snakes in my house! We quickly get on the internet to identify the snake, just as we always do for any unknown pest, and determine it's a Blackneck Garter Snake. It's big for it's size and has exceptional markings; it also gives birth, in August, to up to 20 live babies! Great... The next day Amber and David are out for a visit. Bo sends Benjaman to give the snake some water. Well, David's running the water and Benjaman's watching the snake, with the lid partially open. I look outside and see them poking around in the weeds. That's right; they lost the stupid snake! Apparently, Benjaman watched while the snake went from corner to corner tasting the air and he just jetted out of the box! At least there's been absolutely no sign of the snake or babies! Bo had called the Natural History Museum to see if they wanted the snake and just as he got off the phone Amber had to tell him that the snake got away! Oh darn. The Museum didn't have room for another snake anyway. I have to admit that this snake was beautiful and not aggressive at all, but just looking at the picture and typing the story makes my skin crawl! Bo says it's all in my head, but try as I might, I really can't control it! It's so involuntary! Anyway, here's a pic of the snake for all who are interested.