Well, after 4 years, I finally grew my hair long enough to donate to
Locks of Love. Locks of Love uses the donations to make children's hair prostethis. These children lose their hair for any number medical reasons. It has to be at least 10 inches long in a pony tail. Jaclene, my hairdresser for 12 years, separated it into 2 pony tails to cut. I haven't made it home to measure the pony tails yet, but will post pics when I do.

Here I am after the cut. My hair has some serious re-training to do! It doesn't want to hold any syle! Poor Jaclene spent 20 minutes just trying to get it to do anything besides lay there! Maybe it was depressed! LOL

On the other hand, my head feels 20 pounds lighter! Now to re-grow it back to a respectable length. lol