I remember hating documentaries when I was in school. Now with the History Channel, National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel and the Learning Channel we have many options for great documentaries and educational programming. I try to use this option as much as possible for history. There's just so much to cover and even Benjaman has a limit on his reading.
We are currently studying World History through Weapons and Warfare. I've cleaned out the library of books and videos. Right now the focus is Ancient Civilizations, 2200 - 500 BC. Poor Ben is tired from 3 days of working in the hot sun at the apple orchard, but this video has to be returned tomorrow and can't be renewed.

Poor Ben is tired from 3 days of working in the hot sun at the apple orchard, but this video has to be returned tomorrow and can't be renewed.

When you fall asleep in class at Conklin Academy you get to keep sleeping!
There's always time to finish your lessons.