Monday, April 26, 2010


Benjaman killed his first turkey in Capitan, NM! Yay! Well Done! Let's eat!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Great Horned Owl?

Ben and his friend, Nick, startled a bird out of a nest and it dropped this baby onto the rocks. Being curious boys, of course, they brought it home. Bo called The Santa Fe Raptor Center. The lady came to our house to get it and said it was a Great Horned Owl. She said the boys saved it's life. It's probably only 2 weeks old. They have a full grown male GHO that was imprinted so it can't be released into the wild. She was going to see if he would feed the baby so it's won't get imprinted and can be released into the wild. He was such a soft little ball!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Benjaman has been Confirmed in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. That means that he spent 1.5 years learning about the faith and the vows that were made at his Baptism. Confirmation is a re-affirming of the baptismal vows. He has now agreed to keep those vows himself. We are so proud of him!