Some thoughts on homeschooling and our journey through life in semi-rural New Mexico.
I had a dream…
I looked out the window in the bathroom and noticed a big sink hole in the back yard. It had jagged edges, was very deep and the ground looked moist deeper down. I could see what looked like tunnel with jagged edges going off in different directions. Bo had just left for work then he was in the house telling me to get ready because the city inspectors would be here in a minute.
When I came out of the bedroom my house was filled with people I didn’t know rushing here there and everywhere and the sliding glass door was open. I saw an opening to underground. “Wow, I didn’t realize it came this far over” I said. Then I saw steps going down into the hole. “Did you make these” I asked? “nope” said an unidentifiable worker. Parts of each step were missing, but every step was there so you could descend to the bottom. The steps were made of mosaic tile. The wall in the bottom was mosaic tile with gold. It was beautiful! There were people coming and going from the tunnels and up and down the stairs.
Peggy and the kids came over to see it all. There were a ton of people by this time just visiting to see it all. There were tables for people to sit and rest or eat a packed lunch.
It’s night time and Ben is home so we grab flashlights to show him. The place is deserted, it’s just us 3. I call the dogs and they come from the direction of the opening, then I see other eyes approaching in the dark. It’s 2 black cats, they are friendly. Then there are 2 more. I notice more animals around, but don’t know what they all are. I’m not afraid of the animals though I do remember that ancient Egyptians considered cats to be protectors from the un-dead. We go down the stairs and into the hole. There seems to be light coming from a room and I look in through a French door and see a man lying on his side with his arm stretched out in between stair railings. Apparently I’m looking in at the upstairs. I call the guys back, “Hey, here’s a body.” About the time they get to me the guy sits up on his knees and looks at us. Bo is in front, Ben and I behind. All of a sudden Bo says, “Run!” So we turn tail and run back to the entrance. Bo stops, vomits, tells me and Ben to get the truck. I say, “the 4runner?”. “No the blue truck” he says. Then he disappears back into the hole. Ben and I shoot up the steps and start the diesel. I am absolutely terrified. Bo, my 6’1” 250# husband who doesn’t back down from anything just vomited in fear…something…anyway, if it freaks him and sends him into immediate action you can be sure it’s absolutely terrifying! Ben starts to drive, he goes out on the road and circles back again into the other part of the circle drive. There is traffic now, people are starting to show up for the day. We made it back to the entrance just as Bo comes out and he gets in and drives us away…
Back story…a sinkhole opened up at the end of our house in Jan. 2007. Insurance paid to move the house and then cancelled the “earth cessation” part of our policy. It is now 2011 and we planted grass in the front yard and flower beds along the front of the house. The front porch is moving away from the house, the dirt up against the house in the flower beds is moving away from the house. In the road just outside our front lawn and going the entire length of the lawn the ground is split. It looks like maybe our front yard right up to the house is a small sink hole. It cost $18000 to move the house 4 years ago, the insurance won’t do it again and we can’t afford to do it. If something like the sinkhole happens again we are screwed. The property won’t be worth what we owe on it. There will be no place safe to put another house, we picked the flattest, most stable part of the property when we moved the house 4 years ago. We’ll have a mortgage on a piece of land that won’t hold a house. Good luck selling that! Oh, and I’m reading Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. The Stand by Stephen King also comes to mind as I’m re-telling this dream.