Monday, March 30, 2009

Growing boy

By my calculations he's grown 5 inches in 13 months! No wonder he's been eating like a horse! Isn't he too young to be growing up so fast?!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

BJJ Tournament

Benjaman took 3rd place in his tournament this week. He fought some good fights and learned a lot. He's already looking forward to the next tournment, September 12.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Teenage Angst

And here he is in all his teenagerdom! He can't believe that I actually want a pic of him and he refuses to hug me. When will it end?! He's 5'3"! He's growing so fast!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Quilt Top - Done

Here's my finished quilt top with borders. I just need to piece my backing, put it together and quilt it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Toxic Teen

This is a sign Ben put on his door today. He is NOT a teen yet! Of course, he's acting like it. I can't do or say anything right! How long does this phase last again?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day dinner

Part of Benjaman's assignment for his St. Patrick's day lapbook was to make a traditional Irish dinner. So we found a recipe on the internet for Beef and Guinness, what could be more Irish than that, right? So Benjaman made the Beef & Guinness and I made St. Brigid's Oaten Bread and cupcake with green frosting.

St. Patrick's Day lapbook

We've successfully joined the ranks of lapbookers! Here is Benjaman's first lapbook. He's been working on it for 2 weeks.
This is an experiment in wax resist. We used a crayon on construction paper and then painted over it with tempera paint. The paint coats the wax and shows the design from the green crayon even though you can hardly see the green crayon on the green paper before the paint.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The clouds this morning. We didn't get any snow as predicted, but had 2 days of drizzle. Any moisture is nice!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bye Amber

Well, our hearts are breaking...Amber's leaving. She's going all the way to Hawaii...Maui...some small town that starts with a "K". We will miss her so much! Amber is so strong and determined. I have no doubt that she will accomplish all she wants. She is truly, unapologetically true to her vision of herself. I have to admire that. That said, there is a dark cloud following me now. Just when she started talking to us again and the relationship was blooming she's gone. I don't know how we'll ever be able to afford to visit her. She's planning to stay at least 2 years and then go to a writer's college in Ohio. I am envious of the adventures she'll have. There have just been too many changes and too much turmoil the last few years. I need a break.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Quilt Top

I finally have the quilt top completed. I've been sick. I'm so sick of being sick! Anyway, I've purchased my batting, found my backing. I just need to put it all together now. It should be done this week. I'm so excited!