Thursday, February 4, 2010

Belle's home with a new knee

Remember Christmas 2008 when Belle got hit on the interstate? A side-effect of that accident was a weakened knee. Summer 2009 she came inside after being out all day with the horses holding her leg up. She never quite got better. The vet warned us that she might blow out that knee. So, here it is, bonus and tax return time, and Belle gets a new knee. She came through her surgery well, but will have to be confined to the laundry room for 1 month to rehabilitate her knee properly. I don't think she'll be very happy about that! The vet also said that her other knee was pretty loose and might blow out due to her activity level after this knee heals! So I guess we know where next year's tax refund will go! She's a really great dog and we all love her, but she better live a very long time and be very active for the rest of her life!
Here she is after her ride home from the vet ~ she hates that stupid cone. It's so embarrassing!
Here's her incision. It is huge!
She's now resting in her crate in the bedroom, behind a closed door, as far away from those stupid puppies as she can be! Poor baby girl!

1 comment:

Kaisie said...

Oh my goodness! Belle is an angel or maybe a cat with nine lives:).

Long Live Belle.
