Wow! It's been a long time since I posted! Our camera quit working so I quit posting. The pictures I took gave me ideas about what to post. Bo told me, "silly wife, you can post without pictures!" So, here you go honey, a post!
Here's the news since I posted last:
Both cats died. Nikki had to be euthanized because her body was just shutting down. Precious just couldn't handle life without Nikki. I'd had those cats for 19 years! They had been a part of my entire adult life! I miss their companionship terribly, but I sure don't miss all the hair and the litter box. They are both buried on top of Dee. They were her cats. Anytime either one cried, but especially Precious, Dee came running to defend.
The Lincoln County rescued puppies are doing well and finally settling down! I brought 3 back from Lincoln County because those dummies were going to euthanize them! The "authorities" found a nursing mother dog and decided to round them all up to euthanize them! Luckily, my mom went and rescued the whole litter, but she couldn't get her hands on the mama. The mama is still running around Lincoln County.
- One of Bo's friends from work took 1 of the puppies, a speckled cow dog looking female called Lena. Lena's a weirdo; she licks their house! She's calmed down though and they are enjoying her.
- Our speckled cow dog looking female is Benjaman's dog and her name is Trouble. She's a weirdo too! She sucks on her blanket if she's out of sorts or you upset her. She's a good dog. She's very leary of strangers. She has calmed down though. She's really a sweet dog and Ben finally has one of his own that he picked out! Trouble has several nick-names: Boo, Boo-Bear, Loony-Lou, Lou-Bug, Bug. She answers to them all! LOL She is 50#.
- Our tri-color male is mine and his name is Rowdy. His weirdest trait is that he pees like a horse; he stretches out long to pee. For awhile he would lift his leg a little, but he's quit that. It's embarrassing to me that my boy dog doesn't lift his leg. Oh well. Rowdy is just dumb. He's a big dumb lug, but he's a sweet boy. He's never once growled or snapped at a person. And while he was a barker when he was a puppy; he doesn't bark much now, unless you are on our road or coming in our gate. He weighs 70#!
I had dreams of walking all 3 dogs every day, a la Ceasar Milan. Well, a 70# dog is hard to handle and even harder to handle with a 50# dog! Maybe I'll try again now that they have calmed down some.
Belle is doing good. She needs an Estradiol shot about once a year to keep her urinary tract working properly. We know she needs it because about every Feb. or March she starts waking up in puddles. Poor girl looks so confused when that happens! So we get her a hormone shot and she goes into heat for a little while (really weird for a fixed dog!). She's not as recovered as we would like from getting run over on the interstate in 2008. She still runs after the horses and chickens and she'll chase whatever you throw, but she gets real sore if you don't watch her close and make her stop. She can't get up from sitting or lying down quickly, actually, now that I think about it, she doesn't sit hardly at all. She had knee surgery and recovered well from that. The vet thinks she's as good as she can be given her injuries. She's starting to play with Rowdy and Trouble. That's good to see!
We still have all 3 horses. Sarah still isn't trained. I haven't even attempted it after my last failure with the saddle. Cinbar is doing well, keeping weight on. Dutchess is fine, but I think she gets restless this time of year. She wants to be out and about. Of course, the wild horses are down all the time. Last summer they got our horses really sick. They passed some kind of virus through the fence. It cost us about $250 in vet and medicine bills and countless hundreds more to put the weight back on them. They are all healthy now though.
The wild horse herd is growing and becoming domesticated. There is a woman who feeds them every day. She has names for them all. While it's a nice sentiment, the herd has become bigger than this area can support. It is neat that you can walk right up to them and pet them though. How many people have walked right up to a wild horse and pet it?
We finally lost our 2 oldest chickens; Brownie and Gimpy. Brownie got left out and the dogs chased her until she got caught in the fencing and died. Bo found Gimpy keeled over in the pen one day. They were 7 or 8 years old! Brownie only quit laying last year and Gimpy quit laying 3 years ago. Gimpy used to consistently lay double yolk eggs and sometimes double eggs (double yolk & double white!). We still have 10 laying hens but have been very disappointed all of them except the Rhode Island Reds. Only 3 Buff Orpingtons went broody 2 years ago; none since then. They quit laying sooner than the Reds and began laying later than the Reds. Maybe we will buy more Reds and then sell the others. We have a beautiful Cochin rooster who is not aggressive. That's good for him because it means that his head gets to stay attached to his neck! LOL
This school year has been good.
- Ben participated in Teen Pact in February. Teen Pact is a Christian organization that provides a mock legislature. It lasts 4 days in Santa Fe and they get to meet the governor and many legislators. The do a few prayer walks around the capitol building. This all takes place while our legislature is in session. Ben learned alot about the legislature, but he came home a very firm Christian. He finally got it about Christ's sacrifice for us and how to pray for guidance to live a Godly life! I'm so proud of him!
- Ben also competed in Speech and Debate as part of a Christian Homeschool league. He didn't really enjoy the actual competition, but he loved the fellowship at tournaments. Again, very Christian kids trying to live Godly lives.
- He decided he was going to Charter school next year and then the minute we said okay and enrolled him, he said nevermind. LOL I guess he just wanted to know if we'd let him. He said he appreciates the flexibility of homeschooling. YAY! Another accomplishment!
- Ben took a year off Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He recently went back, but to another school, Gracie Barra. He loves it! Bo and I really like this school. The teachers really enjoy working with the kids. If we had made this switch years ago, he probably wouldn't have taken the year off. Oh well, live and learn.
- Ben started his first year of high school this year. This fall was a huge adjustment period. He's taking an Algebra class outside of the home. I also bought high school curriculum. There was a lot more expected of him this year and he really struggled this past fall. Around Christmas time though, he just changed. The concept of greater responsibility comes with greater expectations really hit home for him. He read the book Do Hard Things and he changed. Then he read Crazy Love by Frances Chan. He started working harder on his school work. He argued less. I'm so proud of how he has grown up over the last few months!
Bo has been working and trying not to get bogged down by everything that needs to be done around the property. His second sabbatical is coming up this summer. It is 2 months and he has more projects than sabbatical and definitely more projects than money! He also remembered that his family owns a homestead between Roswell and Tatum. Anyone that knows Bo knows that it's been his lifelong dream to live out in the boonies, off-grid. So, back to Roswell we go. There's work that needs to be done first so it will be a little while yet.
In my attempt to avoid depression I decided to take on volunteer duties at church and to begin working part time. So I'm church treasurer and the Christian Education director. Our church is very small so they aren't big jobs. But then, I work preparing taxes part time, with a few full time weeks in February. Then, Ben has outside classes and activities on top of his regular school work. Long story short, I severely over-committed myself. I ended up in bed sick for 2 weeks and another 2 weeks of going slow to recover. Now I have to make some choices for next spring.
The good news is that I think I've got my depression under control. I think I'm starting to come out of the grief of losing Jeremy. That doesn't mean I've forgotten him or gotten over his death. It just means that I'm starting to see the sun again. I'm coming out of that dark tunnel. I feel like it's spring time for my soul as well as for the Earth. As I look around, I can't believe the state of affairs of my home and my family. I have neglected both. We now live in a house instead of a home. So I'm working to make it a home again.
I think that's the most comprehensive update I can come up with right now. Maybe we'll get a camera soon and I can start chronicling our lives again with pictures. It’s so much nicer to have pictures with the words!
Nice to see you back.
Thanks! It's nice to be coming out of the fog. Fog is only pretty from the outside! ;o)
great update! It sounds much better the way you say it. We'll get you a camera soon, don't worry.
Hey! Welcome to the sun club!! This is a no fog Hey, we're heading your way in June. We should be in your area June 12thish-14thish...I can't wait to see the homeschool farm!! Love you guys-Kaisie:)
YAY! The Albas are coming to NM! Can't wait to see you guys! Let us know when you'll be here. Love you guys too!
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