Sunday, June 17, 2012

I'm still here...

I sit in the passenger seat while he's driving, getting his hours for his provisional license.  I remember teaching you to drive.  I remember all the conversations, meaningful and not, LOL.  I remember all the music you introduced me to, some of it I liked, LOL.  I remember the time you almost launched us off that overpass.  These are all fond memories.

I teach him to clean (up to my standards, of course, LOL) and remember what a great job you always did.  You learned quickly and did a great job.  I don't think I told you enough, if at all.  I'm sorry for that.  I wish I could have appreciated the positive more than I focused on the negative and the things that needed correcting.

I put my makeup on and remember teaching you how to wear makeup.  I shave my legs and remember teaching you to shave.  I curl my hair and remember you teaching me how to fix my hair in different ways.  I remember helping you dye your hair and talking your dad into letting you try different colors and the spikes.  These are fond memories.

We are intertwined.  I am who I am today because of your influence in my life.

I wish I could have told you then how important you are to me.  I am telling you now how important you are to me and that I love you.  I am here whenever you need me and whenever you are ready.  I will always be here for you.

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