Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Opening day

Oops, it's been awhile since I posted! We have such an insane schedule! We have lessons all morning then activities in the afternoon and evening. We only have 2 afternoons a week that we can stay home, but have sports every evening, either Jiu Jitsu or baseball.

Saturday was opening day for Ben's baseball league. Ben's team is all new to the majors division, but they played last year's major division champs. They only lost by 5. They played a really good game. Ben played 2 innings and made a good play, he plays left field. Ben got hit in warm-ups on the eyebrow and his head swelled up, then not too long after that he got hit in the cheek on the other side, not as hard though. He's okay and he watched the ball much better after that!

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