Monday, June 23, 2008

The Edge of the World - Datil, NM






Bo found some land at the actual edge of the world!style="mso-spacerun: yes">  The properties we looked at were just
beautiful!  They were everything we’ve
been looking for all these years and they were"mso-spacerun: yes">  BUT…..the land is REALLY 100 miles from
civilization.  Datil is 25 miles from
the property (gravel & dirt roads), Magdalena is another 35 miles and
Socorro is yet another 30 miles.  Now,
those of you familiar with NM and Socorro know that I’m being kind when I say
that Socorro is civilization.  There’s a
Smiths and Wal-mart in Socorro. There’s a library in Magdalena…with 450
books.  There’s a k-6 school in Datil
with 22 students…total.  No homeschool
community, no little league, church is 45 minutes one-way and the road only
gets plowed once a winter usually and graded twice a"mso-spacerun: yes">  The nearest doctor is in Magdalena, but
there’s a heliport and trained First Responders10 miles from the"mso-spacerun: yes">  When faced with the reality of this
situation I just had to say…..NO WAY!!!!! 
I just wish the land were closer to town and had homeschooler and little
league and I wouldn’t have to worry about weather I could get down my
road!  I guess I don’t have the
pioneering spirit that I thought I had. 
Of course, Bo was wanting to buy it right NOW!  We’re going to look for something closer to"mso-spacerun: yes">  I really hate when our dreams and desires
don’t line up!


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